How blessed am I to have the companionship of this red feathered friend. This is the second year he has visited me, bumping into my window, sitting on the window sill, singing from early am until dusk. This spring he would stop by with a twig in his mouth I think sharing that he was nest building with his mate. This little masked friend now known as "Mr. C" ended his visits to the window in late fall last year. Periodically I would see a red cardinal in the yard in winter as I ground fed the birds. I stopped feeding in spring when the bears would awaken and then one magical day in March this year he was back at my window. It's now July and he rarely misses his daily visits.
Not being a sound sleeper his voice is the first brid song I hear in the early morning. His is usually the last song I hear at dusk. Why me to visit God only knows. I truly feel he is a special gift to my soul and during Covid he was the only visitor to my home. His bright being has lifted my spirits many mornings. I tell him all the time "how vibrantly beautiful" he is and how much he is appreciated.
