My dear friend Mr. Cardinal visits most every day. Thumping on my window until I respond by coming to the kitchen and talking or singing to him. "You silly bird, thank you for being my friend" or singing back to him with Woody's song: "Sing, sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong, sing of good things not bad, sing of happy not sad" ... all with a special Woody voice ... (for those who may not know Woody was my beloved feline companion for over 14 years) ...and so it goes, I have a red cardinal for an alarm clock, a friend, someone to talk to and sing to. Like Woody he never comments on how poorly I look, or how bad a hair day I am having, pure unconditional acceptance! ... one of the greatest gifts Woody gave me was to know unconditional love on a very deep level. How blessed am I that this "angel from another realm" as Woody calls him visits and has done so since the 1st of March all through these Covid times. As I write he flew again to the windowsill and looked in at me and I thank him for his service of keeping me company and lifting my spirits most every day. Thank you God, you speak to us in so many forms and ways. Whoever would have thought that a red cardinal would befriend me.
“Mr. Cardinal” - written by Diane Kirkup 10/27/20
